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"As a current elected official in the Village of Sugar Grove, I want to extend my unequivocal support for your continued leadership as Village President. Over the years, your efforts have consistently demonstrated a commitment to the values that make Sugar Grove such a great place to live, work, and raise a family. I firmly believe that under your continued leadership, our village will continue to flourish.

Your approach to development has always centered on smart, thoughtful growth. By ensuring that every project is carefully considered with the best interests of our  residents in mind, you’ve fostered an environment where our village can expand without compromising the needs and quality of life of those who call Sugar Grove home. Your dedication to a “residents-first” mentality is apparent in every decision you make, and that focus is one of the many reasons you’ve earned the trust and respect of our community.

One of the most impressive aspects of your tenure has been your unwavering commitment to public safety. By partnering with the Village Board, you’ve brought our police department into the modern era, ensuring it is equipped to serve a growing and
dynamic population. What is truly remarkable, though, is your ability to achieve this transformation without resorting to bonds or burdening taxpayers. The millions of dollars saved through your careful planning and fiscal stewardship are a testament to
your dedication to keeping the financial health of the village in top shape.

Despite the challenges that come with leadership, you consistently rise above negativity and opposition, always focusing on what is best for Sugar Grove. Your courage in making difficult decisions, coupled with your refusal to let detractors sway you, has
allowed our village to continue progressing in the right direction.

In addition to your work locally, your ability to connect with state and federal legislators has brought significant resources to our community. The grants and support you've secured have been vital in meeting the evolving needs of our residents, and your
proactive approach ensures that Sugar Grove remains well-positioned for future success.

Your fiscal responsibility is another area where you have excelled. With each annual budget, you’ve demonstrated a careful and strategic approach to managing the village’s finances. As a result, Sugar Grove's economic foundation has strengthened, setting the stage for continued prosperity for generations to come.

It is clear to me, as an elected official and a concerned resident, that you are the best person to continue leading Sugar Grove. Your focus on sustainable growth, commitment to safety, fiscal prudence, and ability to make tough decisions with integrity ensure that our village will continue to be a place where people want to live, work, and thrive.

Thank you for your continued service and leadership. I wholeheartedly support your candidacy and look forward to seeing Sugar Grove reach even greater heights under your guidance."

- Matthew Bonnie

Village of Sugar Grove Trustee


“I fully endorse Jennifer Konen for Sugar Grove village president. Jennifer has the vision and forward thinking ability to lead this village to the heights that it can achieve. It is time for change here in Sugar Grove and she is the person that can make it happen!”


- Jerry Rich

Rich Harvest Farms


"Jennifer Konen is the perfect fit for Sugar Grove Village President.  Jennifer’s refreshing new ideas, strong love for her community and willingness to work with other board members make her the right choice in this election.  I have known Jennifer for over 5 years and she has proven herself to be transparent, trustworthy and a great team player.  Jennifer stands true to her beliefs, and pours her love for our community into her work for the Village.  Jennifer has always been pro law enforcement, and backs the badge.  She goes out of her way to better understand what Law Enforcement Officers have to encounter day to day and always gives her full support to the courageous men and women who wear the badge.  Jennifer cares deeply about law and order and maintaining a safe community.  I stand beside Jennifer Konen because she stands beside the heroes who wear the badge.  Please Vote for change, please vote for Jennifer Konen."


- Matthew

Sugar Grove Resident/ LEO (law enforcement officer)


"After serving alongside Jen the past 2 years as a fellow Trustee, I’m confident she will be an excellent Village President.  Her passion for our Village and its residents is authentic and her drive to actually make things happen and bring about positive change is already being demonstrated.  Jen is a proven leader that listens well, communicates openly and effectively and engages others in a kind and considerate manner.  We need a team player like Jen who welcomes the ideas and diverse expertise from our Village Staff and Trustees.  Jen will be an effective leader who embraces our residents’ vision and ideas for our community."

- Ryan Walter

Current Village Board Trustee


"I very enthusiastically endorse Jennifer Konen for Sugar Grove Village President. It’s time for a change in this wonderful village in which I have been blessed to live for the past 31 years. It’s time for a president who will operate with the highest of integrity, openly and transparently, and, most importantly, with the wishes of the residents as her foremost guide. No more nontransparent, back room decisions being made, like a monarch surreptitiously foisting bad policy on his realm. Jennifer is intelligent, hardworking, caring, and open to discussion—willing to listen to all points of view. She does not think that she knows better than the folks who will be giving her the privilege of serving. She has fresh ideas, and we will move forward into the future very nicely with Jennifer Konen at the helm. I urge my friends and fellow residents of this wonderful village to vote for Jennifer Konen as Sugar Grove Village President."

- Bill Durrenberger

Long-time Sugar Grove Resident


"Jen Konen is a smart, honest, and hard working individual that we support wholeheartedly for Sugar Grove President!

- Bill Lenert

Kane County Board Member


Daily Herald Article.png

Daily Herald - Joe Wolf Endorsement 2021

Independents for Sugar Grove Village Government (ISGVG) Announces Endorsement of Jennifer Konen for Sugar Grove Village President





Released at: February 26, 2021

Contact: Jim Huguelet



Sugar Grove, IL (February 26, 2021) -

Today Independents for Sugar Grove Village Government (ISGVG) announced its endorsement of Jennifer "Jen" Konen for the office of Sugar Grove Village President in the upcoming Kane County Consolidated Election on April 6, 2021.  Currently serving as a Sugar Grove Village Trustee, ISGVG believes that Trustee Konen's record of teamwork, trust, and transparency will best represent Sugar Grove's residents and provide the leadership needed for the Village to grow in a manner consistent with its unique character.


Trustee Konen supports ISGVG's five-point platform for thoughtful progress in Sugar Grove:

  • New ideas about Sugar Grove's future, a vision for responsible development, and the will to act upon it

  • Commitment to acting upon the results of a review of the village’s Comprehensive Plan that meaningfully engages with all stakeholders in the community to arrive at a truly shared vision for our village

  • Rejection of any development proposal that does not adequately reflect the legitimate interests of Sugar Grove's current residents

  • Opposition to the use of tax-increment financing (TIF) when doing so is not in the best interests of our taxpayers and governmental bodies

  • In all matters, providing an independent voice that asks tough questions and makes fact-based decisions for the long-term that are fair to all of the village’s stakeholders


"After more than 20 years, it is time for new leadership in our Village Presidency - leadership that challenges the status quo and encourages the consideration of new ideas.  I have a vision for what Sugar Grove can become, the willingness to truly listen to our residents and village staff about how to achieve it, and the passion to make the changes needed to see it happen," said Konen.


Jim Huguelet, Director of ISGVG, said "Since 2019, ISGVG is a group of engaged Sugar Grove residents who believe that ordinary citizens must serve in local government for it to effectively represent the interests of all of the village’s stakeholders.  Our endorsements seek to help Sugar Grove voters know who will best represent those interests."

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